Additional Event edit



What is an Additional Event edit?

Highlight Reels are beautiful keepsakes of a wedding day- but they are exactly what their name implies as well- they only “highlight” the parts of the day.  Sometimes there are events you want to be able to see in their entirety, like a performance by a friend or a special tradition.

An Additional Event Edit includes multiple camera angles and audio feeds to create a video that shows you one whole event from your day from start to finish. You can use this edit for a variety of events- from the first look to a firework show!  Anything that you would like full coverage of, from start to finish, can be an Additional Event Edit.  

Some of our packages already include additional edits - like a Ceremony Edit with our Standard and Premiere package or a Reception Formalities Edit with our Premiere package (which includes your introductions and first dance, toasts, and parent dances). For anything else, consider adding an Additional Event Edit to your package.

Check out the video below to see some samples of ones we’ve done in the past!


Even more options

Check out our Ceremony Edit if you would like a full length video of your entire ceremony.

We also offer a Reception Formalities Edit so you can watch your introductions, first dance, parent dances and toasts in their entirety!


Have Questions?

Feel free to reach out to us to add a ceremony doc edit to your package, or if you have any questions!